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日期:2018-05-17 点击数: 来源:


杨振明 博士 教授 吉林大学农学部学部













中国土壤学会 理事

吉林省土壤学会 副理事长

吉林省农用肥料协会 常务理事
















4.国家自然科学基金面上项目,30671241,柠檬酸代谢关键酶及脱落酸(ABA)在铝诱导大豆柠檬酸 分泌过程中的作用研究,2007/01-2009/12,30万元,已结题,主持。




春玉米丰产高效技术集成研究与示范”之子课题(2007-2010 ):土壤主要养分测试方法筛






  12.吉林省农业厅(2006~2007):农安、公主岭县(市) 2005 年耕地地力调查与质量评价。


  14.教育部留学归国基金(2001~2004 ):铝迫下大豆柠檬酸的分泌特性及其遗传分析。


  16.国家“ 九五 ”重中之重科技攻关项目招标子课题(1995~2000):重迎茬大豆根系分泌物与根际微生物分泌物的种类及其毒害和调控技术。


1. Sheng Huang, Jie Gao, Jiangfeng You, Yanan Liang, Kexing Guan, Siqi Yan, Meiqi Zhan and Zhenming Yang *(2018) Identification of STOP1-like proteins associated with aluminum tolerance in sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.), Frontiers in Plant Science, 9:258.

2. Ying Zhou, Zh.enming Yang , Li Gong , Rongkun Liu, Haoran Sun, Jiangfeng You *(2018)

Molecular characterization of GmSTOP1 homologs in soybean under Al and proton stress.

Plant and Soil, published online.

3. Ying Zhou , Zhenming Yang , Yuezi Xu, Haoran Sun, Zhitao Sun, Bao Lin, Wenjing Sun and Jiangfeng You*(2018) Soybean NADP-malic enzyme functions in malate and citrate

metabolism and contributes to their efflux under Al stress Frontiers in Plant Science, 8:2246.  

4. Xiaomei Qin,Sheng Huang, Yanqing Liu, Mingdi Bian, Wuliang Shi, Zecheng Zuo* and Zhenming Yang*(2017) Overexpression of a RING finger ubiquitin ligase gene AtATRF1 enhances aluminium tolerance in Arabidopsis thalinana. Journal of Plant Biology, 60(1):66-74.

5. Ying Zhou, Zhenming Yang, Lingling Gao, Wen Liu, Rongkun Liu, Junting Zao, Jiangfeng You* (2017) Changes in element accumulation, phenolic metabolism, and antioxidative enzyme activities in the red-skin roots of Panax ginseng. Journal of Ginseng Research, 41 (3):307-315.

6. Tu Lan, Jiangfeng You, Lingnan Kong, Miao Yu, Minghui Liu, Zhenming Yang*(2016)The interaction of salicylic acid and Ca2+ alleviates aluminum toxicity in soybean(Glycine max L.). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 98:146-154.

7. Jie Gao, Xu Wang, Meng Zhang, Mingdi Bian, Weixian Deng, Zecheng Zuo, Zhenming Yang*,Dongping Zhong* and Chentao Lin*(2015) Trp triad-dependent rapid photoreduction is  not required for the function of Arabidopsis CRY1, PNAS, 112(29):9135-9140.

8. Hui Zhang, Wu Liang Shi, Jiang Feng You, Ming Di Bian, Xiao Mei Qin, Hui Yu, Qing Liu, Peter R Ryan, Zhen Ming Yang*(2015) Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants expressing a β-1,3-glucanase from sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) show reduced callose deposition and increased tolerance to aluminium toxicity. Plant, Cell and Environment, 38(6):1178-1188.

9. Jiangfeng You , Xing Liu , Bo Zhang, Zhongkai Xie , Zhiguang Hou , Zhenming Yang *(2015) Seasonal changes in soil acidity and related properties in ginseng artificial bed soils under a plastic shade. Journal of Ginseng Research, 39(1):81-88.

10. Muyun Xu, Benjamin D. Gruber, Emmanuel Delhaize, Rosemary G. White, Richard A. James, Jiangfeng You, Zhenming Yang and Peter R. Ryan (2015) The barley anion channel, HvALMT1, has multiple roles in guard cell physiology and grain metabolism. Physiologia Plantarum, 153(1)183-193.

11. xing liu, zhenming yang, lingling gao, wuyan xiang, bo zhang, zhonglei xie, and jiangfeng you*(2014) Comparison of the characteristics of artificial ginseng bed soils in relation to the incidence of ginseng red skin disease. Experimental agriculture( Expl Agric). 50 (1): 59–71.

12. Huiyan Ju, Junfeng Liu, Jie Gao, Yexin Fang, Mingdi Bian & Zhenming Yang*(2014) Potassium uptake characteristics of two maize hybrids and their parents under the stress from a low amount of potassium. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 37(1):123-135.

13. Chuan Deng Qing Liu Ibrahim hadad Ali HuiZhang Hui Yu Zhenming Yang and Mingdi Bian*(2013) Evaluation of regeneration potential of sweet sorghum genotypes using immature inflorescences as explants. Research on crops, 14(1):106-113

14. Hongtian Wang, Mingdi Bian, Zhenming Yang, Chentao Lin, Wuliang Shi(2013) Preliminary Functional Analysis of the Isoforms of OsHsfA2a (Oryza sativa L.) Generated by Alternative Splicing. Plant Mol Biol Rep, 31(1):38–46.

15. Ning Liu, Jiangfeng You,Wuliang Shi, Wen Liu, Zhenming Yang*(2012) Salicylic acid involved in the process of aluminum induced citrate exudation in Glycine max L. Plant Soil, 352(1):85-97.

16. Chunxia Zhang, Mingdi Bian, Hui Yu, Qing liu, Zhenming Yang*(2011) Identification of alkaline stress-responsive genes of CBL family in sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,49(11):1306-1312.

17. Jiangfeng You, Hongmei Zhang, Ning Liu, Lingling Gao, Lingnan Kong, Zhenming Yang*(2011) Transcriptomic responses to aluminum stress in soybean roots. Genome, 54(11):923-933.

18. You JF, Hou NN, Xu MY, Zhang HM and Yang ZM*(2010) Citrate transporters play an important role in regulating aluminum-induced citrate secretion in Glycine max. Biol. Plantarum, 54(4):766-768.

19. Xu Muyun, You Jiangfeng, Hou Ningning, Zhang Hongmei, Chen Guang *,Yang Zhenming* (2010). Mitochondrial enzymes and citrate transporter contribute to the aluminium-induced citrate secretion from soybean (Glycine max) roots. Functional of Plant Biology, 37(4)285-295.

20. NN Hou, JF You, JD Pang, MY Xu, G Chen, ZM Yang*(2010) The accumulation and transport of abscisic acid in soybean (Glycine max L.) under aluminum stress. Plant and Soil. 330127-137.

21. Yang ZB, You JF, Yan F, Xu MY, Yang ZM * (2009). The interaction between aluminum toxicity and manganese toxicity in soybean (Glycine max). Plant and Soil, 319277-289.

22. Fei Yan and Zhenming Yang (2008) Allelochemicals in Pre-cowing Soils of Continuous Soybean Cropping and Their Autointoxication. In Allelopathy in Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, R.S. Zeng, A.U. Mallik, S.M. Luo, Eds, Springer,New York, pp. 271-281

23. Hai Nian, Zhenming Yang, He Huang, Xiaolong Yan, Hideaki Matsumoto (2004) Citrate secretion induced by aluminum stress may not be a key mechanism responsible for differential aluminum tolerance of some soybean genotypes. J. Plant Nutrition, 27(11): 2047-2066.

24. Hai Nian, Zhenming Yang, He Huang, Xiaolong Yan, Hideaki Matsumoto (2004) Combined effect of short-term water deficit stress an aluminum toxicity on citrate secretion from soybean. J. Plant Nutrition, 27(7): 1281-1293.

25. Hai Nian, Sung Ju Ahn, Zhen Ming Yang and Hideaki Matsumoto (2004) Effect of phosphorus deficiency on aluminium-induced citrate exudation in soybean (Glycine max). Physiol. Plant, 117: 229-236.

26. Matsumoto, H., Yang, Z.M., You J.F. and Nian, H (2003) The physiological mechanism of aluminum tolerance in Glycine max L. Advances in Plant Physiology, 6: 237-261.

27. Hai Nian, Zhen Ming Yang, Sung Ju Ahn, Zhi Jun Cheng and Hideaki Matsumoto (2002) A comparative study on the aluminium-and copper-induced organic acid exudation from wheat roots. Physiol. Plant., 116:328-335.

28. Yang Z.M., Nian H., Sivaguru M., Tanakamaru S. and Matsumoto H. (2001) Characterization of aluminium-induced citrate secretion in aluminium-tolerant soybean (Glycine max L.) plants. Physiol. Plant., 113: 64-71.

29. M.Sivaguru, W.J.Horst, N.Schmohl, Z.Yang and H. Matsumoto (2001) Aluminium inhibits the apoplastic solute by-pass-flow in Zea mays L W.J. Horst et al. Plant nutrition-food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN: 0-7923-7105-4, pp 260-261  

30. Yang Z.M., Sivaguru M., Horst W.J. and Matsumoto H.. (2000) Aluminium tolerance is achieved by exudation of citric acid from roots of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.). Physiol. Plant, 110: 72-77.

31. Ma J.F.,Taketa S. and Yang Z.M. (2000) Al tolerance genes on the short arm of chromosome 3R are linked to organic acid release in triticale. Plant Physiol, 122(3): 687-694.

32. Sivaguru M., Fujiwara T., Samaj J., Baluška F., Yang Z.M., Osawa H., Maeda T., Mori T., Volkmann D., and Matsumoto H. (2000) Role of aluminum induced 1,3-β-D-glucan in cell-to-cell trafficking of molecules through plasmodesmata: A new mechanism of Al toxicity in plants. Plant Physiol., 124: 991-1006.

33.Horst WJ, Geiger R, Oettler G, Wiethölter S, Yang ZM, Geiger HH (2000) Anpassung von Triticale an saure Böden durch Selektion auf Al-Resistenz. Vort. Pflanzenzüchtung, 49: 89-98.

34. Wang Bo, Yang Zhenming, and Bao Shidan (2000) Study of genotypes tolerant to low-K and the properties of K absorption. Chinese Rice Research Newsletter, 8 (1): 10-11.

35. Wang Yan, Shen Qirong, Yang Zhenming and Yu Ling (1996) Size of microbial biomass in soils of China. Pedosphere. 6(3): 265-272.












E-mail: zmyang@jlu.edu.cn

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